The wall seems to have no way of bypassing it. It is, for all intents and purposes, unassailable. A loud clanking and screeching sound, like someone ramming a fork against a plate, resounds through the forest. Far away, you see a shadow moving in the mist. Though it is difficult to make out through the fog, it is clear that whatever it is, it dwarfs the entire caravan, moves much like the spiderlike contraptions from before, and is headed for the wall. You are thankful its route will take it to a spot several dozen yards away from you. The scuttling [i]thing[/i] ceases its ear-splitting motions as it comes to a stop in front of the wall. There is a contemplative moment, before it begins playing a tune by rubbing its fibrous legs together. As the notes of the tune reach your ears, you double over in pain. Though there is little inherently painful about the sounds, they reverberate in your brain like wasps. The song reaches up through your spine and tears at your hindbrain, as your every instinct fights to make itself known. Muscles lock up, bowels loosen, teeth grind together, until the song stops. There is blissful silence once more. A low rumbling sound shakes the wall. Suddenly, sections of the wall begin moving! Where the spider-like contraption was facing, there is now a hole in the wall! When it passes through, the walls close once again, and you are left with your thoughts. The song was monstrously alien, yet strangely familiar. You've only heard it once before: [b]from the mouth of that Fungiwood Deku in your custody[/b]. [i]Few caravaneers know why the Melody of Darkness is so commonly heard around evil beings. Some say it's what caused the cataclysm.[/i]