Boom began hissing out as he heard that melody once more. "KREEEEEEEEEEEE-It-T-the thingses!" Boom glanced to the side as he gave a nod to himself. "They speak only pain." Crouching down, he slung his bag back over his left shoulder. Boom scratched his cheek in a frantic manner. "We suggests heading away." Boom glanced to his side as he nodded. "Only evil lurks here." Boom began twitching his teeth in a nervous chatter, before stopping. It stared back at the Fungus Deku, Mycellium, as it gave a single glare. That thing, was it? The thought receded for now. Boom turned back forward as it began scratching at its face once more. "We suggests going back the way we came." Boom began hissing, "ONLY PAIN HERE. FLEE! FLEE!" As he said that declaration, [url=]Boom quickly ran off in fear in a random direction[/url], knowing he had to escape the sounds.