Chrome arms dropped to his side, as well as his head was hunched down. He looked at the remains of his sword on the ground, the one FUCKING thing he could relate to in the whole entire god damned world. The one thing he could take just a damned bit of peace in thinking about it, the thing that he understood completely. Jan had broken it just to prove his point. [i]I'm going to kill the little shit![/i] He screamed in his mind. He was being pushed far too much by a god damned embodiment of his mortal enemy. Chrome raised his head to looked Jan in the eyes, and instead of the foolish naivety that was there before, it was replaced by the cold rage Chrome had a knack for keeping under control. You see, being a metal man was much harder than it looked contrary to the [i]Wizard of Oz[/i], it required diligence in many aspects and Chrome flood gates just broke by being made a fool of by a God Damned Nitrogen Incarnate "ENOUGH!" He shouted at Jan, although it was really to himself. He was sick of this metal embodiment being a curse. Time to stretch his abilities. He threw both hands in the air and then waved them down, crushing the sides of the Train Car with magnetic pulses. "I AM SICK OF IT! I'M DONE!" He shouted. His foolish demeanor was now completely gone. He simply stood still as he simply moved a few bolts made of iron within the brakes of the train by means of magnetic pulses, releasing it from the station. So much for Italy, the train started up and out of the station. Chrome looked around, his eyes bulging. "YOU!" He finally shouts, throwing his arms out towards Jan. He stuck out his arm and the pieces of metal began shaking and breaking loose, piling onto Chrome. Chrome felt a dull pain as the pieces of metal pounded on him but his rage had no end and he had no intention of stopping till he felt like it. He then threw out his arms creating a heavy magnetic pulse out across the car sending the metal flying, especially towards Jan. He was not purposing to kill but anyone hit by one of those sure would hurt in the morning. "ARE YOU GOD DAMNED HAPPY. ARE YOU FUCKING HAPPY NITROGEN!" He said as a particularly sharp piece flew towards Jan.