[h2]Ironwood Fields[/h2] With the caravan reunited, you move on. The inhabitants of the field pay you no mind, apparently preoccupied with grazing upon the gently-flagellating grass coating the area. [i]Though the spiderlike contraptions and skittering creatures below the grass aren't anything special, the gargantuan isopods are truly remarkable. With backs plated with precious metals and limbs as thick as girders, the parts of these creatures would be wonderful for any industry. A pity you don't have the time to hunt one.[/i] You breathe a sigh of relief as the unnervingly-writhing fingers underfoot make way for wholly-mundane grass, wet with the omnipresent fog of the Old Woods. From here on, it should be smooth sailing. [h2]Kokiri Sinkhole Border Checkpoint[/h2] [h3]5 Hours Until Sunset[/h3] The remnants of Kokiri Village come into view. Suspended far above a colossal sinkhole is a massive pillar of earth, populated only by shacks and stalls. Currently, there is no way to reach the pillar, short of leaping into the sinkhole and climbing up. At the edge of the sinkhole closest to you is a hollowed-out stump, with a gruff-looking Kokiri standing beside it. The Kokiri certainly has the look of a guard, namely a look of alertness that clearly demonstrates no awareness at all; you get the impression that this guard has mastered the art of sleeping with their eyes open. As you approach, the guard glares at you suspiciously. He urgently holds his hand up, palm facing towards you, bringing the caravan to a stop. As the guard stomps towards you, you clearly see him flexing his claws. [i]All Kokiri have sharp claws on the end of their hands. They're very good for digging, rooting, chopping, and gouging.[/i] "[b]You[/b]!" he barks, "[b]Who you!? Where from!? What want!? Answer![/b]" [h3]Encounter: Toot, Border Patrol (3 Dice)[/h3] [i]Please select a Leader. Encounter-appropriate cliches: [b]Any Social-oriented Cliche[/b]. Inappropriate Cliches (Physical, Magical, etc) may be used, though all damage dealt and taken while using an Inappropriate Cliche will be tripled.[/i]