Dan stared, listening to Chrome give his speech, and waited. Then he felt the pulse, and saw plenty of metal flying outwards. [i]Jesus FUCK[/i] was all Dan could think before getting his arm scratched by what seemed to be a loose couch-spring. "HEY! METALHEAD." Dan was clearly nonplussed about the spring that was now sticking out of his left forearm. "Ya see? This is why we don't FIGHT. And now we'ah startin' down the tracks again ta god knows weyah, and all because you can't get along with Nitrogen. Fuck, man. Ya know what? Stand back." Dan angrily moved towards the door of the car, and then started a strange running motion towards the window and... Out he went, along with a lot of glass. As he fell to into the gravel and grass beside the railroad tracks, he cursed loudly. "I DID NOT THINK THAT THROUGH. FUCK."