[b]Alessandra Gillory[/b] Alessa simply sat vacant faced at the table across from Tecumseh. She was in a mix of shock and...well she didn't quite have a name for the other emotion. The girl took a bite of her pie, before speaking once more. "So, Is there a reason you brought me here to explain that? I could assume tou just wanted to get to know another elemental around here but Im guessing thats not it at all?" In reality Alessandra had little interest in continuing the talk of elements, but she was a bit curious. [b]Zaynab Rousani[/b] Zaynab had finished her meal and was about ready to return to her room. She had eaten a lot, savoring her first real meal in years. As she walked into the hallway, she felt a strange sensation. Like...someome near her was not right. She turned sharply towards the feeling and her eyes landed on Lithe. She didn't know who he was, but she could feel something off about him. Zaynab simply stood there, watching him. [b]Talia Molina[/b] Near where Dan had landed, Talia was searching out the surrounding area for any signs of her target, the rogue element. She liked to call him MatchBox due to his element. She giggled to herself before walking closer to the train tracks. As she aproached the track, Talia felt the ground shake as the train aproached. Odd, the train was supposed to have stopped at the nearby station. She she moved closer to look, Talia jumped back as a man whent flying through the window, landing near her in a pile of glass. Talia instictively ran up to see if he was okay. she asked him in Italian, checking to see if he had broken anything.