[b][i]Chrome[/i][/b] [i]The Chromium Element[/i] Chrome looked around at his destruction, satisfied that he got the message through to the other Element's of why he was NOT to be screwed with. However, he was still furious at Jan. However, Chloe made a wonderful point and Chrome was positive that he wanted to follow through now in a slightly different way. He raised his arms and a gash opened in the side of the train, and Chrome felt a tang of fatigue. He was using up his energy AND he was causing a magnet storm. As thus, he wished to finish quickly. "Pool Tool is right, my quarrel is with no one but Nitrogen himself." Chrome said as he walked towards Jan. He felt the stinging of Nitrogen gas as natural reaction struggled to coat his skin with oxide, but he still carried forward towards Jan. He released the brakes of the train and it stopped, then started moving backwards as if something was pushing it, but Chrome was just magnifying the steel on the train tracks to pull it back into the station. Chrome was really getting tired now, and the Magnet storm was now pushing him around. Chrome let go of the things being expelled out of the train car and grabbed Jan, attempting to throw him out the Gash in the wall. "We'll finish this outside" Chrome said. [b][i]Lithe[/i][/b] [i]The Lithium Element[/i] As Lithe stumbled through the resort trying the many luxuries, he noticed that there was a certain rumbling going on inside his stomach, one that meant that he had to eat. Lithe frowned, he wanted to finish exploring and mentally mapping the resort. With a simple sigh he stepped away from the pool he was currently next to and made his way to the Dining room he'd past before. It was becoming agitating that he was still confined to such primitive needs, Lithe knew it was extremely vain but his powers gave him such a sense of self pride that he found it difficult to agree with doing much more that was the richest most well known human beings would do and then more. He however knew that he had to eat and while he still was required to cope with that he was sure to do it elegantly. He was currently wearing a black suit and his silk mask that covered his mouth as he entered the room and sat down at a table. He was already booked for a meal and such did not have to ask for a table. As a waiter came by, he caught a glimpse of a table full of what appeared to be businessmen at the far side of the room. He smiled to himself, there would be plenty of work to do here. He looked down towards his lap and took out a cell phone just to check the time when the waiter came, right on time. "Ah, yes.. Surprise me [i]Signor[/i]. I don't hold any tongue for what's offered here yet" He said as if he carried a slight Italian accent, looking straight at the waiter. His eyes carried much more however than just a request for a meal, and the waiter didn't stay to decipher why Lithe's eyes were so harsh. It was a good decision, most people who do that don't live long enough to learn why.