No-Point let out a cry of pain! He had underestimated these pesky soldiers! He would not do so twice! He fell to his knee, bleeding profusely, and waited. Then they rushed him. [i]Perfect.[/i] The interference from the Gerudo caused a much needed distraction, and the spores from the deku slowed the Kokiri enough that he had time to rotate and throw one fist forward, and one to the side. Coincidentally, each fist was going to land right where a Kokiri head was about to appear. The momentum of a running Kokiri would surely compound the force of [url=]fists suddenly appearing where their heads should be[/url], correct? Correct. Fists collided with faces and the force of the blows sent both soldiers to the ground, reeling. The big guy saw this as a perfect opportunity to pick up one of the dazed soldiers by the neck and use his newfound club to [url=]beat the living daylights out of the other one[/url].