[url=http://orokos.com/roll/278541]The soldier in No-Point's grasp manages to struggle free just as it is sent flying into his companion! Thanks to the Kokiri's diminutive size and weight, neither are harmed.[/url] Just as the two Kokiri prepare to charge in again, a loud cry rings out! It appears the armored Kokiri whose mount you killed has managed to free himself! [color=darkgreen][b]"NNNOOOOO! NO MORE! DEAD KOKIRI, VERY BAD!"[/b][/color] The twin Kokiris back off, bowing their heads. Moved by the eloquent words of what appears to be their leader, the rest of the assembled Kokiri cease their battle cries. The Kokiri's leader sniffs the air, and scowls. He turns to No-Point, and points at him with one freakish claw. [color=darkgreen][b]"You! Big guy! You smell. Like Ironwood! Good friend... of Ironwood! Deal with [i]you.[/i] Deal with Ironwood! Blow horn!"[/b][/color] A window's shutters far above the town square are thrown open, and a paradoxically decrepit-looking Kokiri pokes his head out. With a mighty gasp, the Kokiri pulls out a golden blowing horn and blows into it, letting loose a deafening rumble. The Kokiri's leader grins smugly at No-Point, as the assorted Kokiris present flee into their homes. [color=darkgreen][b]"You. Friend with Ironwood. Me, Aargh. Friend with Oldwood! Oldwood stronger!"[/b][/color] As he speaks, the ground around Kokiri's leader comes alive! A thick network of roots works its way around both No-Point and the leader, before suddenly rising up into the air! Suspended high above the town square in an arena of tangled roots, [i]outside help is impossible![/i] The Kokiri's leader laughs evilly, and points to the ground below him. [b][color=darkgreen]"Don't trip. You go splat! Aargh kill you, Oldwood kill your friends![/color][/b] The base of the pillar of roots begins to move on its own! Twisted taproots make way for a snapping, fibrous maw! [i]The Oldwood Deku are staunch allies of the Kokiri. After the decline of the Great Deku Tree, other creatures have filled the power vacuum.[/i] With a horrible groan, the creature inside the pillar turns its attention to Dingle, Boom, Raisa, and Mycellium! [h3]Kokiri Military routed![/h3] [h2]Aargh, Champion of the Kokiri (4d6)[/h2] [h2]Deku Naga, Guardian of the Kokiri (5d6)[/h2] [i]Players get the first hit. No-Point will not be able to receive help from anyone against Aargh. A new leader is needed for the fight against Deku Naga.[/i]