[h2]Aargh, Champion of the Kokiri[/h2] [url=http://orokos.com/roll/278597]Aargh, still disoriented from being pinned by his mount, is unable to avoid being grabbed![/url] Desperately flailing in an attempt to break free, Aargh dislocates his own shoulder! (current dicepool: 3d6) [url=http://orokos.com/roll/278598]Still trapped in No-Point's clutches, Aargh claws wildly at his forearm, in an attempt to force No-Point to drop him![/url] [h2]Deku-Naga, Guardian of the Kokiri[/h2] [url=http://orokos.com/roll/278596]The immense network of vines and roots easily swats the airborne Bombchu away, and turns its attention to Boom![/url] Intense magical energies have caused this once mindless Deku Baba to develop a sort of intelligence. It looks at the exiled Kokiri below it, and for once feels something akin to shame. That shame turns to anger all too soon. [url=http://orokos.com/roll/278600]Spraying evil-smelling spittle in Boom's face, the Deku-Naga sweeps its vines through the town square at break-neck speeds![/url] [h3]Important update to team-based fighting.[/h3] [i]I'm going to be adding a rule regarding combat. From now on, only posts made [b]before the Team Leader makes their roll[/b] will count. This is to make it so that the Team Leader can reliably add the rest of his team's contributions to his own post.[/i]