Ignoring the pitiful scratching against his arm, No-Point simply [url=http://orokos.com/roll/278603]backhanded the Kokiri across the face[/url]. That was enough to daze him, he believed. The warlord shifted his grip, moving his hand around the Kokiri's neck, and applied pressure. It was enough to block some oxygen from reaching the Kokiri's brain and keep him in the state of daze, but not enough to kill him or knock him out quickly. "I will not kill you," No-Point [url=http://orokos.com/roll/278604]explained, as he increased the pressure on the Kokiri's throat (Terrifyingly Powerful cliche, inducing fear)[/url]. His voice was calm and tempered, the opposite of the cruelty of his actions. "Not yet." His eyes burrowed into those of his assailant. "In the future I may have use for you and your people. It is an offer. Accept, and you live. Decline... and your punishment will be more severe."