[color=8493ca][i]The ignorance of youth... Tecumseh sighed and wondered just what to tell Alessandra. He would tell her the truth, he knew that, but how much of it could she handle? She already seemed to be under a lot of stress and adding to that burden would accomplish nothing good. Start small then, Tecumseh glanced at his plate as he took another bite himself, almost swallowing the small bite whole. [/i][/color] [color=ed1c24]I wanted to be certain that you were what I thought you might be. And if you were, to let you know you weren't the only one in the world and warn you that life would be difficult for you because you are not like most people. People fear what they do not understand, and they do not understand any of us. I've been on the path you've only just started to walk, all my life. It is a hard path, full of fear, hate, and pain. The broadcast from NY is going to escalate things rather quickly. It is neither wise nor safe to share your skills with anyone you don't trust with your life. So consider carefully what you will do now. What you do now is up to you. Choose your steps wisely.[/color] [color=8493ca][i]Tecumseh returns to his food, letting Alessandra consider the information she'd just been given. He knew her life had been difficult and that it was about to get much harder, thanks to the nuts in NY. He hoped she'd escape the notice of those that were now inevitably looking for elementals, but knew it was a matter of time before she found herself surrounded by probes, wires and tubes. [/i][/color]