[quote=@Armed Forces] Mattias: I'd imagine that's why he sent you and Maddie. You could easily ignore the entire mighty military the Alliance controls. We can't really hurt either of you. You chose to fight. I think I even saw a bit of bloodlust in your happy-go-lucky reality bender. So you tell me who the bad guys are. [/quote] Misty: You want to talk evil? I considered slaughtering all of the soldiers here, and hanging their corpses by their necks from the tops of these buildings, while driving stakes through the eye sockets of each. But for convenience's sake, I didn't. Got the hint? [quote=@Araby264] So, when it was reported that [i]something[/i] was out there slaughtering our forces I naturally bolstered the amount of my forces in the area. Then when that didn't work i sent Harpies to watch and report what they saw. After we realized that somehow your people were getting through we tried to find a way to stop it from happening. But before we could, your friends seemed to have... Devised a plan. How well do you know Dante and Virgil? [/quote] Techi: Mmmmmmhm?