[h2]Aargh, Champion of the Kokiri[/h2] [url=http://orokos.com/roll/278661]Aargh's eyes gleam menacingly at No-Point's implications, as his consciousness slowly drains away[/url] (current pool: 2d6) [b][color=darkgreen]"K-Kokiri strong! Stronger than y-you! No slave! Not to Ironwood! Ironwood evil! You stupid! Why trust Ironwood?!"[/color][/b] [url=http://orokos.com/roll/278662]With the last of his strength, Aargh bites No-Point's wrist![/url] [h2]Deku-Naga, Guardian of the Kokiri[/h2] [url=http://orokos.com/roll/278636]Roaring proudly, the Deku Naga swats the active Bombchu with a mighty vine... detonating it![/url] (dicepool: 4d6) There is a flash of light and heat as Bombchu shrapnel severs many of the beast's smaller tentacles! Pride making way to outrage and fury, the Deku Naga flails its burning limb impotently! The Deku Naga, now wise to the many dangers presented in using only its vines, opts to go for a more direct route. [url=http://orokos.com/roll/278648]The Deku Naga rears its toothy maw back, before thrusting it forwards, heading directly towards Boom![/url]