[quote=@ERode] His skin, eyes, and hair are all pure white? XD That's a pretty extreme case of albinism. In regards to his history, note that he's going to be dead recently. More specifically, if you did the math... Every year, a new class of 30 recently dead students are enrolled. This is the 41st class, meaning that 41 years have passed since the first.. Preferably, he'd be from the 21st century. In regards to his phobias...it really sounds like one or two. XD Basically, he's afraid of losing lots of money or losing a bet, right? That's definitely 2. Note that, for his ability to talk himself out of trouble, that'd rely on your personal ability as a RPer to smoothtalk and such. Everything else should be fine though. Always nice to see a semi-asshole~ [/quote] Alright, I'll just make some changes