While he was laying on the ground, Jan was able to pull his remaining glove off with his teeth as Chrome stopped throwing metal around the train. He continued to lay on the ground until the metal man grabbed him by the coat and pull him to his feet. It was at that moment that the Nitrogen element slipped out of his white coat and staggered away from his enemy to get some distance between them. He grabbed the metal lodged in his shoulder and gritted his teeth as it was pulled out and fresh pain shot through his body followed by a new pain of frostbite setting in to stop the bleeding and covered the wound with a thin layer of ice. "Now then, how about we have a fair fight like gentlemen." Jan told the man as he straightened his vest and moved into a boxer stance with both hands held up in front of his while bouncing on the balls of his feet ready for anything that Chrome would throw at him. This wasn't Jan's first time in a fight and in his time he became skilled with some stand up fighting. He did enjoy his unfair advantage when it came to hand to hand combat with each time he hit his opponent with bare fists that spot if bare skin caused frostbite and if clothes, they became damp with cooled nitrogen molecules.