Hello everyone!!

This thread is a continuation from the thread linked below:


Please skim through that thread if you want a more indepth description of the world and to catch up on previous events!!

Thank you!


We've decided to take a more free-form approach the world building aspect of this RP. We're running a 'build as we go' format so, we new lore, settings and races etc reveal themselves organically, we'll add them in here. We're also including this for any new folks that feel like helping us build a world by joining in the RP, so all the key information is here for catch-up.


She of the Veils
One of the pantheon of Gods. Although not exactly a god of death, she stands as more of a guardian of the dead, a protector of those who have passed. She is often depicted faceless, with multiple arms - although the exact number differs depending on depiction - each holding a veil. It is this aspect of her mythology that has lead to the prominence of placing of veils over the faces of the deceased in many of the World's burial ceremonies and rituals.

He of Banners
Often depicted on horseback, he is a God of battle and death in combat. He is viewed a benevolent and is worshipped by armies throughout the World. He is synonymous with honour, courage and righteousness through glorious conflict. In addition to often been shown mounted, he is rarely depicted without his long bow. The mythology surrounding him is that he was such a skilled archer that he could fire and arrow into the heavens that would never fall to earth. He is the patron of soliders.

She who Nurtures
She is also known as Mother of All, depending on where her worshippers come from. She is the patron of children and new life, and is often depicted seated and pregnant. She is seen as one of the most powerful gods as she is seen to oversee the circle of all life from human down to insect and plant. She has been bastardised by a small sect of necromancers who worship her, misguidedly believing that she has a hand in their work to reanimate the dead.


Last Rest Tavern
This is a small wooden tarvern about a two hour walk from the city of Krasora. It is the first stop out of the city and the last place in. The perfect place to meet travellers and merchants. Vagabonds and sell-swords can even show up here looking for work. The food is fresh and the drinks are cold and the atmosphere is always friendly, warm and inviting. A two floor building, the tavern is on the ground with the inn on the first floor.

A gigantic city built within the side of a mountain range. Japanese-style buildings cover the market district where a large center square holds many merchant stalls and shops. You can find nearly anything and everything you desire here. Nobels don't tend to stray too far from the main roads of the market district, but you may see one walking about from time to time. A grand castle sits above the market, looking down from it's perch high in the mountain side. Pagoda style roofs and architecture make the castle a sight to see! A grand staircase carved into the mountain snakes up from the market to the castle entrance, which is heavily guarded. A large stone wall surrounded the opposite side of the market which also is heavily guarded. From the main entrance to Krasora is a dirt road that spans across the endless plains laying at the base of the mountain. On one side of the road is nothing but farmland, worked daily by hundreds of men, women and childen. On the other side of the road is a vast and dense forest. Rumours of monsters roaming within keep people from venture into the forest.

Mor Sgaithatch
Also called the Black Mountain, this is a two month walk north of Krasora. It is inhabited by the Gurtha Orcs, one of the largest and most dangerous orc clans on the planet. Mor Sgaithatch is past the boarders of the known world and stories of the legendary treasures buried within the mountain call out to travellers from all four corners of the charted world. Many have gone to seek their fortune. None have returned with any of the treasure. Some have not returned at all.