Chloe's eyes moved of their own accord to the gaping hole in the side of the train. It wasn't going [i]too[/i] fast. She could probably find Dan and make sure he was alright if she managed to, well, not break anything on the way out. A pale green cloud hissed from her mouth as she watched the situation continue to escalate. Well, she'd sort of done what she could. Now or never. She didn't want to get a piece of metal stuck through her brain, or the effects of contact with supercooled nitrogen. "Adios," she said, edging around Chrome carefully. She jumped out of the train and rolled gracefully(?!) along the ground while covering her head to prevent any smashing of her precious skull on impact. When she finally stopped, a dull ache groaned in her ribcage...but it could have been a lot worse than the bruises that Chloe knew would be coming around to haunt her soon. Stiffly, she got to her feet, dusted herself off, cast a worried glance at the train that was now speeding away, and sauntered along the side of the track toward Dan and a girl who had apparently seen far too much for one day.