[quote=@SimplyJohn] While pinned down by heavy weapons fire, taking cover behind a fallen piece of masonry and trying to work out a way he can get out of the collapsing building before getting crushed in the rubble, Mez spots a familiar looking shadow darting across the upper level. Even as he lifts his arm to take aim at the filthy little thief she suddenly leaps down, right into the middle of the attackers. For the next few moments all he can do is watched in mesmerised amazement as Marga spins around between the uninvited guests, effortlessly slicing limbs and heads in a way which reminds the outcast Visipian of the dance performances he would occasionally attend with his 'father' while growing up. As his stunned gaze watches Marga's lithe form clear the head from the shoulders of the group's leader he can't help but be reminded of one particular dancer, and the hot, sweaty night they'd spent together, the night he'd first become a man. With the last of her enemies downed Marga spins around, tossing a flimsy down into the rubble while blowing a kiss to the handsome alien she'd used for bait. "We work well together." She called over with a smile, slightly breathless from her deadly ballet, "If you'd like to see what else we could do together, give me a call." Pulling her new goggles down over her eyes Marga turned and leapt out of the hole in the wall, falling several hundred feet before activating her grav-belt and floating out over the high-rise cityscape below, leaving Mez clutching the advertising flimsy for a seedy bat on the wrong side of town. It's something to do with who's closest to the door, and therefore who's the most successful participant in the mission so far, right? [/quote] Wow... [i]Very nice.[/i] Though less choppubg of heads and limbs and more taser ing and explosions :) I imagine when she saw him at the bar - "I knew you'd come." But... What's a flimsy??? [@Kalas] What do you think?