Zenji nodded to Masuto when he said it was time to leave. She looked to his mother and sister, Aki. She walked over to them and smiled, "We'll keep him safe... I promise. We'll bring him back as soon as we can, you have my honour as a proud Airbender. Seventeen years going strong," she looked over her shoulder at the door where Zhou and Mizuki stood, "Plus, we have some added muscles," she bowed to them both, "It was a pleasure meeting you." She then turned and placed her hands on his shoulders, "Let's go find us an air bison." She walked out the door and noticed Zhou was looking at something. She looked to see a man walking toward them. Looking at Masuto, she pursed her lips, "I think we've already attracted some attention." ~~~~~~~~ Nyima smiled at Rayn when he pulled up in front of her house. Pulling her bag on over her shoulder, she walked down the steps and nodded, "I told you I would be waiting." She walked over to his bike and hesitated a moment, she didn't know how this was going to be with him being mad at her. She sighed internally, that would be something she would have to clear up later. Maybe when they were stopped for the night. As of right now, the two of them had bigger fish to fry. Such as following the airbender, but only by so much that they wouldn't be seen. Sure that would be more so Rayn's job, since he'd be driving, but she had to keep an eye out to. Besides, with the wind, he'd hardly be able to hear her. She climbed onto the bike behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. She looked at him, "Let's get this show on the road."