[center][b]The Rising Son: A Legend of Douzheng[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bl4Sw5qJBgE]Mood Music[/url] [img]http://media.moddb.com/images/groups/1/8/7487/19-.jpg[/img][/center] It has been 20 years since war Ravaged Douzheng. the former Emperor of Huangdi Di Difang. When as he spread his rule across the known world he was suddenly killed in battle by a infamous Master of the Wushu arts. This created a long lasting peace, the soldiers fled back to Shen De Diguo, the Masters and lords of the other provinces reclaimed their lands and began rebuilding. The Schools flourished and Wushu became a way of life. Though many say that the apple, doesn’t fall far from the tree. It would be with the consolidating of power in Huangdi Di Difang that a new Emperor would rise WanQiang the vicious son of the former Emperor. At the same time agents were sent across the provinces capturing Masters of Wushu and bringing them back to the new Emperor he pulled from them the secrets of their arts and spread it among his elite troops. With this new power their invasions of the provinces were easy going, though still being fought tooth and nail by those who desired freedom from such a cruel being. The remaining Masters of the Wushu schools have moved to gather at the Island of Ten no ha far from Wanqiang’s grasping claws to meet in secret to decide upon a way to defeat this seemingly all powerful man. It is here they decide that they themselves cannot leave their lands to find a power to defeat this army, but their best, or most promising students would take their places on this quest to seek out unknown strength and skills… You are those students. [hr] [b] OOC [/b] This RP takes place in a time and age similar to that of Medieval China, and Feudal Japan. Though with many differences, spirits, monsters, and fantastic spectacles are involved in this world. Everything from flying ships and castles, to dragons, and fox spirits. This world is truly one of beauty with only the imagination barring what can happen. I hope you join us and enjoy this truly magical Asian adventure. So lets get to it. The basis of this RP is that everyone will be playing a student of one of the masters whether you are their best student or most promising is up to you. So you can be extremely skilled or a moderately skilled student who is on their way up to being a star. You will be questing to find hidden martial skills, legendary weapons, or even legendary powers to stop the evil Emperor Wanqiang and his generals. [b] Kung Fu, Karate, and Weapon arts.[/b] I’ll be letting everyone pick ONE hand to hand combat style and one weapon style. Now this being said only those from Ten No Ha can use Japanese style martial arts and weapons. Also if you are from Ten No Ha you cannot use Chinese style martial arts or weapons. This is just to keep things simple So you will be allowed to pick from your own choice of martial arts and weapon arts though be realistic and lets stick to those martial arts coming only from Asia (I am including Japan in Asian) [hider= Douzhang Provinces] [img]http://i.imgur.com/pgzx2Wf.png[/img] Huangdi di difang: The land where Emperors are born. This land is ruled by those who would study the most deadly of arts and mysticism. They are dangerous foes and have always set their sights on the other provinces. Though the lands were once made up of 13 provinces it is only eight now because of these power hungry men. Yongshi Chuanxi: The land of warriors, these men and women promote martial prowess through the constant practice of warfare they are the front line and most aggressive of all the provinces besides Huangdi. Though they are more aggressive than the others they are not warmongers. they are also standing best against the Empire. Jingshen De Kuan Xiangi: A land where people admire spirituality above all else. Covered in shrines and filled with spiritual people. They are masters of mysticism and the more chi related arts. Their focus is undeniable and they are unequaled in their zen and ability to assess situations. Mashang Yiyuan: A place where horses run wild. The Horse Lords rule this land nomadic peoples who’s martial prowess is quick and where bows have made a great impact. No others can boast to have such masters of Archery as these men do. Yumin De Erzi: A land of fishermen and as such they have honed their skills in martial arts to be flowing and strong like the water. The people are hardened by the decades of spending their lives at sea fishing and trading these sea goods with Provinces that are landlocked. Nanzi Dongdang: The main port to Ten no Ha this land has resisted several different times the invasion of the fierce Ten no Ha warriors and have every time pushed them back to their island. They are fierce people who rely heavily on the their defensive arts to keep them safe. Ziyou de baolei: The land of Freedom, no one can give and take as well as these people. They have never lost a inch of ground no matter the fierceness of their foes. Like the grass they bend to the wind, but do not break and stand back up only to stand defiant in the face of even the greatest of forces. Ten no Ha: With blades curved that cut like the cold wind itself during a snowy night. These people are warriors incarnate living by a very specific code of honor. Highly advanced in their creations of armor and swords very few can state to have as powerful of blades as they do. Dianli Hauyuan: (yet to be explored) Long Zhi Ta: (Yet to be explored) [/hider] [hider=CS Template and Example] (I am limiting the amount of players from Ten No Ha to 2 players) Name: Age: (no younger than 17) Province: (you cannot be from Huangdi di difang) Hand to Hand Arts: Weapon Arts: Appearance: (Real pictures are preferred, and suggested. Lets also keep modern stuff out of the pictures) History: (2 paragraph minimum) [hr] Name: Ling Jiao Age: 19 Province: Yongshi Chuanxi Hand to Hand Arts: White Crane Weapon Arts: White Crane Jian Misc Skills: Guzheng, Dance, Shura pinyin Appearance: [img]https://drunkensword.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/house_of_flying_daggers27.jpg[/img] History: Born to a noble family Ling was picked immediately to learn from one of the greatest masters in the land. Though this was not because she was noble and she needed to be the best, it was because her family believed that those of noble birth should be disciplined and strong to lead. Since the age of eight she has been with her Master Lu Kai, and trained relentlessly not just in her martial arts, but in dance and playing the guzheng. With the beginning of the war Ling has wholeheartedly put herself to the task of defeat the Emperor. When hearing of her Master’s plans to go to a secret meeting in Ten no ha she was originally worried about leaving her lands behind, having already seen her family’s lands burned to ash as they were ran out. She quickly decides that it is best for everyone to travel with him at his wishes though seeing as there might be a way to defeat the Emperor with all the Masters meeting in this one spot to think together. [/hider] This RP is ready to hit a OOC I am simply posting this to see if it will garner interest. If you are interested please say so. I can’t post it into a OOC till I know for sure people are joining. Also if you want go ahead and start writing your CS. Hope to RP with you soon folks.