Carver pondered the girl's question for a moment. "Heavy? I suppose it is, but not so bad once you begin to see the benefits," he responded, unsure if he was still talking about armor. "Truth is, I can't imagine I could ever do anything else. I was raised in a monastery - every day I prayed, trained, read, bettered my body and my mind until the Knight Commander deemed I was ready. Past a certain age, of course, I would have been allowed to leave, but... I never wanted to." He smiled fondly at the memories of his youth, particularly the phrase he now repeated that one of his teachers had been so fond of. "There's so much wrong in the world. One man can't fix it all, but... think about how much he'll do if he tries." He shook himself out of his nostalgia and stood up. "Apologies, you didn't ask to hear my life story. Are you feeling well, my lady? I should think our companions will be returning shortly." The woman in black was still here, he realized with a start. He shouldn't have lost track of her. Careless. She could have hurt someone while he was pontificating. He'd have to do better to keep an eye on that one.