[color=8882be][i]Tecumseh finished his meal and excused himself to continue his work. He thanked them both for coming and apologized for the unsavory conversation. Putting on his coat, he moved back into the dinning room leaving the door open as he went. He returned to the front desk and buzzed Ms Bahti's room, asking if he might come up and pay his respects if it wasn't an inconvenience for her of course. Tecumseh thought carefully over the dinner conversation, part of him said that he would regret having told Jason and Alessandra his secret, but it was done. He hoped his crew would be able to help with this, though he honestly didn't see anything more than yet another massacre as the world panicked when it realized just what some of the elementals were capable of. Or perhaps, even better, another Auschwitz where he would die relatively quickly(over several days), and Alessandra would suffer a very long, slow death. He shuddered, she wasn't his problem, but he knew she would be just as defenseless as his people had been at little big horn. [/i][/color]