Urick raised an eyebrow as the man who fell down now stood up and afterthought walking to a female ronso cupped his hands and yelled to everyone his name so they would remember it trying to make himself sound like he was destined for greatness. At lest he had more courage todo that after falling. He would have never have done that. Urick walked behind Gippal and the tall redhead as they began to converse as she asked Gippal why he came back to the sport there were many reasons he decided to come back. He wondered what reason Gippal was going to use for his childhood friend. Urick personally wished Gippal didn't join again, he would have much rather been traveling Spira like they did for this last year and all the times In between seasons. Where they would take up work protecting caravans, hunting marks or being hired as body guards. The freedom they had to go anywhere they wanted and no schedule to follow unless they wanted. He looked down to his right as he heard "Hello! Good to see you Urick. Do you remember me?" He saw a small woman with white hair braided up smiling up at him. He instantly remembered her smile as she would usually sit next to him during the games because of her father who asked him to watch her as he played. He nodded and said "It is hard to forget a big bright smile like that on a little girl. How have you been?" He would listen as she answer. But before he would reply to her they reached town and he saw a woman get pushed and the men who did it I told her to get out of the way. Normally he kept to himself but that was one thing that he did not like at all his father taught hi to respect women at all costs, including his comfort. He moved over to the men who shoved the woman and stood behind them till they noticed him. They all took astep back at the sight of him. At which he pointed at the man who bumped into her, then at the woman and said simply "apologize" with a stone face glare showing he wasn't joking. The man looked at the giant and saw that he doubled his weight a foot and a half taller he decided to make the best choice and turned and said "sorry miss" and quickly as he could ran off somewhere else with his friends. Urick then nodded to the woman and said, " are you ok?" Of course she was but he didn't know what's else to say .