[h1]Separ[/h1] As Separ exited the store, feeling like a chump after what happened with the shopkeeper he ran into the cloaked girl. Separ couldn't help but smile when he saw her, and it even made him temporarily forget about what happened in the general shop. Sure, he barely knew the girl, but he was glad that both she and all the others had agreed to stay in the group. Separ could finally start his own adventure. Separ immediately walked over to the cloaked girl. [b][color=ForestGreen]"Hey, how's it going? I managed to buy us some tents and sleeping bags, as well as a medkit and backpack. Are you out shopping to, if so can I accompany you? Though, as of now I have no money."[/color][/b] Separ glanced from side to side before sighing. [b][color=ForestGreen]"Please don't ask, I'd rather not talk about it."[/color][/b] He exclaimed before looking once again at her. [b][color=ForestGreen]"So are the others with you, or are they still near the tavern? and umm, what did you want to buy?"[/color][/b]