[b]Zaynab Rousani[/b] Zaynab watched Lithe carefully, taking note of his mannerisms and behavior. She did this for a while before feeling satisfied in her evaluation and returned to her room. After flipping through the Television, Zaynab took notice of a sound. She answered the buzz snd gave the okay for Tecumseh to stop by. [b]Talia Molina[/b] Talia smiled in an odd, almost manic manner after listening to DanS description. [i]Elementals so closely together! This is too easy![/i], she thought to herself. "Well we better catch up with the superpowered circus then," Talia replied happily, still with that crazed look of satisfaction at the mention of following the elementals. She was so fixated on jt, she didnt even notice Chloe approaching.