Furnace furiously pondered the meaning and intent of this group. He saw them break, tear and burn the stands, carts and houses. Two huge heads sharing one body came storming past him, massive flail in each hand. As he crashed trough several stands at once, splinters and raw materials flew trough the air. [i]Deconstruction[/i] It dawned on Furnace what they were doing. They were harvesting materials for the forge. He saw creatures armed with swords and clubs run to the creatures from the village and hit them until they stopped screaming. Was this a fight? Or could they also harvest life? [i] "A life is cut short so another can begin. Lives are lost in the forest of life to allow the young to grow."[/i] Was this what the tired girl had predicted? Either way, Furnace was exited by this development. Much to learn. And in the spirit of learning new thing Furnace took the wrapped package from his back and let the cloth fall to the ground. With two hands and significant effort he held aloft an orcish broadsword. It was about his size and looked right at home between the flails, blades and axes of the newcomers. With care and calculation he mimicked the lumbering brute's movements as he rand after him, then past him, then into a stand. With as mighty a swing he could muster he brought the heavy blade down upon the wooden board. The thin plank snapped instantly, causing copper and tin trinkets to fly everywhere. As Furnace was showered in shiny but function-less pieces of metal he looked behind him at the two-faced giant, looking for confirmation that he got it right.