Furnace trembled a little as he regarded the judging eyes of the towering creature. The ettin nodded approvingly. He did it right. He was learning so much today! Happily Furnace followed and continued to smash barrels, poles and carts along with the brute and a growing group of other creatures his size. They did the same. When he jumped, they did. When they struggled to reach up to the thatched rooftops with their torches, he kicked a barrel over to them so they could stand on it. This was going great. That moment he remembered the barkeep, and how he had displayed so much fun cutting the friend collector, clearly he loved a fight. As they were near the tavern Furnace ran ahead of the band and smashed the wooden door open. He pointed inside and yelled at the rampaging group. "In here! There's good fighting and food in here!"