As Vis walked out of the bakery, sixteen coins lighter and with 8 loaves of bread under his arm, screams echoed out from the other side of the market and people started running away from the direction of the comotion. The owner of the bakery, a woman in her thirties steppes out to see what was going on, Vis turned back to the bakery and ushered as much people inside as possible, he turned to the owner and yelled over the commotion, "Ith there a bathement thoo thith bakery?!" She thought for a moment and nodded, grabbing him by the wrist and pulling him to the kitchen, she pointed to a large slate preparation table, "It's under there!" she yelled as what was going on outside was getting closer. Vis groaned with frustration and pushed all his mass against the table, whincing as it grated across the floor, exposing a dusty trap door. When the table was no longer obstructing it, Vis opened it up and climbed down, it was large and could easily hold everyone in the building. He climbed back out and yelled into the main room for everyone to get into the basement, they did as they were told and when the trapdoor shut and everyone was inside, Vis pushed the table back over the hatch and he heard rough voices from the front room. He drew his rapier and escaped through the back door, he'd be back for the people in the basement.