Suki glanced over at Separ, before nodding. "Yes, I was about to go an search for supplies to purchase." A complete lie, but on the other hand, she didn't have to tell the man what she really was planning on doing. However, before she could accept or decline his offer of accompanying her, the destruction occurred. Quickly turning around to look in the direction of the noise, she noticed the creatures rampaging through the town. Knowing she should run, and just abandon everyone else to their fate, she ended up glancing at Separ. Could she also abandon her newfound companions? They might get in her way, but they might also be of use in dealing with the church. As she was pondering, she noticed the hazy image of a man on horseback beyond the wall of smoke. Perhaps he was the key to this attack? "I'll be right back." Quickly speaking, she ran down the nearest alleyway, taking many of the winding turns rapidly. she never slowed down, until she had reached her destination. Although looking like the dead end of every alleyway, this one was on she had visited earlier. Quickly reaching into one of the crates, she pulled out her scythe.