[h1]Separ[/h1] Carnage, destruction, and panic. The citizens of Ravenwood were fleeing in distress as what looked like a small army began to siege the town. Buildings collapsed, some were set on fire, and screams could be heard in the distance. No doubt was left in Separ's mind that people were getting both killed, tortured, possibly even taken prisoner. Separ clenched his fist tightly, he wanted to help bring this to an end, but in his mind he knew he could not take on that many enemies. He thought about his master and cursed under his breath knowing he had already left to go home. [i]If he was here, then maybe...[/i] Lots of people started to run past Separ, bringing him back into reality. Separ had to do something though, and that's when he remembered the General Shop's store clerk. He quickly turned around and rushed towards the door pushing it open so hard that the door slammed against the wall. The store clerk who was insulated from all the noise started to yell at him but quickly realized something big was going down. [b][color=ForestGreen]"You need to get out of here lady, there's a small army destroying Ravenwood."[/color][/b] The store clerk quickly agreed and started to grab a few close supplies before running towards the door and exiting the building. Separ slammed the door shut as both of them left the store. That's something I can do, but that's about it. Staying any longer than I need to will be a bad idea. However as the shop keeper left he heard the cloaked girl say, "I'll be right back." He spun around to find that the girl was already turning into an alleyway. Separ couldn't leave her alone though, they needed to stick together if they wanted to survive. [b][color=ForestGreen]"Hey wait up!"[/color][/b] He yelled as he took off after her. The cloaked girl was fast, and while Separ himself was also fast his injuries from earlier had left him feeling a bit tired. Catching up would have been much easier if he was at his full potential. Separ started panting as he turned down another corner only to find that the girl had disappeared. He had lost sight of her. The sound of a building was heard collapsing not to far from where Separ was standing. [i]This isn't good, if they find me or that girl we'll have to fight our way out.[/i] Still Separ persevered and turned down a corner, only to then realize he was completely lost. He was afraid to call out to the girl though, knowing it may attract attention from unwanted people. Just where was that girl?