Alula fell to her knees, pressing her forehead into the ground. Her hat had fallen off her head and onto the ground, no longer providing any comfort for Alula as she pressed her palms over her eyes. Even with her eyes covered and shut visions danced behind her lids, voices and phantom sounds assaulted her senses. She let out a final cry of pain before a powerful burst of light encompassed her. Once the light faded, and anyone looking directly at her had given their eyes a chance to recover, Alula was no longer on the ground in pain. Alula was barely even there anymore. She was now floating slightly above the ground, her robes and hair lazily flowing around her, as if gravity no longer was applying their force to her. Her eyes were glowing, but with much more intensity. She took no measures to cover them as they stared, unblinking, at the crowd of monsters. Not only her eyes were glowing, however. Even more shocking and noticeable was her skin. It was as if every vein in her body had begun to admit a bright glow, looking like cracks long her flesh. Alula, or at least what she had been reduced to, looked around. She first noticed Carver, raising her now glowing staff as if to aim a projectile attack, but her other arm lifted up, pulling the arm with the staff back down. She spoke in a regal and calm voice that echoed through the area. [color=6ecff6][i]"Do not harm the ones the girl has grown attached to."[/i][/color] The arm holding the staff rose up twice more, as if wanted to go against this command and harm Carver regardless, but it eventually stopped. Alula looked away from Carver, into the crowds of attacking monsters. Without even wincing or bracing herself she lifted her staff, aiming it into the mass of creatures, hoping to hit as many as possible. Out of the tip of the staff blasted a bright beam of moon energy. It was bright enough to be seen for a mile, and was very attention grabby as well as deadly.