Lithe was observant. He caught the unwanted attention Zaynab gave him. Unfortunately, his superiority complex led him to think nothing of it. Just to be sure though, he made sure to try not to touch any conductive parts of the table. That was the most obvious way his powers could slip. What Lithe was more interested in however was the group of men in suits at the table a few down from his. He caught sight of the way they talked to each other and their body language and he knew they weren't friends. Business partners, or more likely, Business rivals. He laughed silently as he knew how much money lay just beyond his finger tips. As the waiter came back with his meal he slid a hundred back "You see the man in the dark grey suit, light blonde hair, and blue eyes? Make sure this gets to him and you will be rewarded!" Lithe exclaimed. Unfortunately, the waiter looked at the money and pocketed it. He walked over to the business men, but he did not give them the money. Lithe sighed with annoyance. People could not be trusted nowadays. He took at a piece of wire invisible to the human eye. He called the waiter back over. "Did you deliver the money?" Lithe said, impatiently. "Yes... I did!" The waiter stammered out, if Lithe wasn't watching then he would've known the waiter was lying now. "Good" Lithe said to the waiter, shaking his hand, wrapping the wire around the waiters finger. It took only a few seconds for the waiter to make his way to the exit. [i]By god is he a cocky one[/i] Lithe thought as the waiter closed the door. Finally, he let forth a strong wave of electricity into the wire. In a second, the waiter was electrocuted. In another one, the wire was incinerated. No evidence but a stretch of ash ever so small was left behind. There was a scream as the waiter died and Lithe lost his appetite. He was a cruel man, yes, but he still did not easily stomach the killing of one so innocent.