Alula cast a glare down upon Carver as he commanded her to get behind him. It was rather lucky that the man wore armor, any bare skin would have soon felt itself burning. She did not care at all about the safety and life of Carver or the two other she found herself suddenly allied with. All that mattered was that Alula was kept safe. That the vessel was kept safe. A voice spoke though Alula, her expression still one of anger. [b]"We do not see why we must keep behind a worthless human."[/b] A second voice spoke, expression changing to a more playful one. [i]"We do not see why not, the view is quite fine from up here."[/i] The voices began arguing with each other, constantly speaking over each other. "[b]You disgust us![/b] [s]please don't hurt them.[/s] [b]He is a paladin of the sun for morishacks sake![/b] [s]he will not harm us.[/s] [b]If anything he will just get in the way![/b]" By now Carver was half way to the horde, moving at the comedic speed of a snails pace. Alula sighed, raising her staff yet again and firing another beam of searing light into the horde. It was fired dangerously close to Carver, perhaps as a sign of aggression. (8/10 moonbeams remaining)