Alula watched as her two beams tore holes in the horde as well as the town itself. She didn't really care where her destruction was laying. If she destroyed the town in order to destroy the monsters, so be it. At first she hadn't noticed something as small and insignificant as the gnome standing slightly off to the side, but he was recognized as one of the girls companions. Alula looked down upon Furnace with a smug grin. The voice that spoke this time used a cocky tone, like an older sister trying to show off to a kid. "Strenuous? Hardly. This is a piece of cake." She leaned closer, dangerously so. Close enough for Furnace to feel waves of energy emitting off of her. "You wanna see something cool kid?" And without even waiting for an answer Alula shot off another beam, whizzing dangerously past Carver, aimed right for the Ettin.