Vis' pursuer was unrelenting in his chase, as if wanting nothing more then to see Vis die. The half-elf ducked into an alleyway and began to wind his way through the meandering streets until he found himself at a dead end, with walls to smooth to scale. Vis turned around to see the sneering raider block the only path of escape as he slowly approached, his sword dragging across the floor menacingly. Getting into his combat position, his sword raised infront of him, he knee there was no running from this fight.  The raider attacked first, swinging his bastard sword over his head and bringing it at a downward angle towards Vis,  Vis rolled and avoided the brunt of the attach but the tip of the sword caught him on his back leaving a long shallow gash. Regaining his footing behind the brute, he thrust outwards with his rapier and pierced the chainmail armor of the man, passing through his under clothes and then between his ribs, catching him in the lung. He roared in pain and quickly swung around, wrenching the rapier the out of Vis' hands and sending it skittering away, Vis pulled the empty bottle out of his bag and smashed it against the side of the man's face, knocking him to the floor. While the man was down, Vis drew his dagger and threw himself ontop of the man, his knees on his chest and stabbed the man in the neck but as he did, the man shot his hands to Vis' neck to strangle him. As Vis was being choked, he stabbed the blade over and over into the man's neck and a puddle of crimson poured around him but the man's grip was unrelenting and Vis' vision was going black around the edges. Then the man's hands fell away as he died.  Panting, Vis threw himself off and sat with his back to the wall, his neck bruised by the hands of the raider. He tightened his scarf and retrieved his rapier, then started to pick through the man's pockets and pouches, he found nothing but a scroll and as he opened it his skin flushed red, it was a pornographic scroll. Vis tucked it into his back pack and whinced, first an arrow, then he fell from a roof and now he had a long trailing wound. He emerged into the main street and wished he hadn't, skeletons were climbing out if the ground and beams of blinding light whizzed through the air.