It seems like our group may have to split up for a while. Following possible combinations are most likely... Carver + Alula + Furnace + Kelvin Separ + Suki Rose and Vis could join either group, or no group at all. Carver's in a tough spot being swarmed and all. Separ and Suki are both low on hp. Vis is seriously about to die. If possible, someone should heal him ASAP. Since Rose is not here it might be better for him to join Team Carver as of now, especially since you're carrying food and there's more people in Carver's group. Plus there's a healer. If Rose were here, we could use the medkit, but alas, she is nowhere to be found. [@Kimiyosis] This is kind of stupid and embarassing to ask, but can I carry your character to safety? Some of the buildings are destroyed, and due to Separ's traverse terrain trait, we should be able to escape if we run on it, as the other soldiers will have to go the longer way around, or take a movement penalty on all the debris. I think we'd be able to survive that way, unless anyone can point out a better idea. (Seriously though, I don't want my character (or anyone elses for that matter.) to die so quickly, so if any of you have an idea I'm all ears.)