[color=8882be][i]Tecumseh was about to get into an elevator when he heard the scream. On edge and expecting more to follow, he moves back into the dining room where one of the waitresses waves over the to kitchen door. Arriving there he finds the dead waiter, twitching and smoking lightly.The faint smell of ozone added with the other observations made the cause of death obvious. Though there didn't seem to be any plausible way that the man could have been electrocuted. Tecumseh swore in his native tongue, something none of the staff could ever remember hearing him do. He order the staff to call the authorities and to follow the normal protocol. Security has blocked off the dining rooms exits by now, and is asking everyone to await the arrival of the authorities. Tecumseh returns to the dining room, security letting him, and only him, through the kitchen door. Each door has two dining staff and one guard blocking the entrances. Tecumseh stalks around the room, watching no one in particular, but relying on years of experience to point out any hints, any clues as to who the perpetrator was. Half an hour later the local authorities arrived, and began sorting though the mess. Tecumseh had insisted that everyone remain at their tables, irregardless of the inconvenience to the patrons. The long and tedious investigation began, and patrons were questioned and then allowed to leave table by table. Tecumseh stood in one corner of the interrogation room, one of his smaller conference rooms, and listened to each patron's story. When Lithe's turn arrives, Tecumseh does not miss his... unique aura. He files the information away for later, but says nothing for the moment. The preliminary investigation ends at 0226, with the last of the staff being released. Everyone has been asked to remain on site until the investigation is finished. Tecumseh is still ... enraged, though it is no longer visible to anyone who doesn't know him. he belatedly realizes that he stood Ms Bhati up, unintentionally and with good reason, but stood her up none the less. He crashes on the couch in his office, having locked himself in.[/i][/color]