Her quick movement would have startled the boy but then again it was hard to move and think. Recovering was going to be hard and it was going to take a long time. Liam opened his eyes slowly only to stare up at a beautiful angel hovering above him. Sarina had a worried or curious expression upon her face, he wanted to say something but didn't know where to start. After a couple seconds of solid eye contact he noticed that his body had a different aura to it. Though he still couldn't feel that much, he noticed his weight was lighter, his face was clean and his body no longer covered in dirt. 'Had she cleaned me?' Liam thought, 'oh god, that means she saw me naked, fuck I hope this doesn't end up awkward or anything.' He focused on her and did the best he could to make his body smile, 'come on, do something,' but the body refused. 'I can't give up, not after being so close, I was able to move my arm, I'll try that again.' The arm moved a little bit more in the direction it had gone before. He tried to move the other arm and it did as well, not as much but it moved just enough to reassure the both of them. Next was his lips, Liam continued to think that if he could do something as simple as slide an arm across the bed, then he could move his lips. 'Come on you piece of shit, say something to her, say hi.' The boy's bottom lip barely moved at all and then started quivering as if it were cold. Movement was slowly coming back but not at the rated he wanted it to. The tongue moved a little bit but still no sound. Liam started pounding his fists on the ground of the abyss in his head, 'come on, say something, say hi for christs sake' the body still refused. Tears started to run down his cheeks, 'please, just say something to her.' Silence. Liam couldn't handle the fact that the girl of his dreams was right above him, she saved him and cleaned him up, and he couldn't even say hi. He sat depressed in his head and what felt like hours was only seconds, he collected himself and focused on a different task, moving. He focused on moving his arms again and it worked, he could at least move his eyes so he was able to look down and watch his hand raised a little bit before falling onto the bed. He could move but his body was weak. 'Okay good, progress, something else now' He knew he wasn't going to get the body to speak but maybe he could move the jaw. He focused hard and his mouth was able to close and open, opening it wider was hard but still capable of doing it. He stared up at her, taking a break from trying and just wanted to hear her speak, he missed the sound of her voice, it always calmed him down.