Sarina watched with much concern as Liam was trying to move his arms and mouth. The progress slow, and she noticed he couldn't get himself to speak. She wanted above all else to hear his voice again, it'd been so long. "It's okay Liam, you don't have to try so hard... I don't need you to speak, just to see your eyes open and know that you're alive and... well... it makes me feel good" Now wearing a calm expression, Sarina moved her hand to pet his fluffy hair. Even after she had cut it, she left enough length to wear it was long enough to curl and poof. Something she'd not seen on Liam before but she like it. "You're hair, it's curly and poofy now. I gave you a new look, from... how I remember you I mean." That was when she realized she was still hovering over him, her cheeks flushed red and she sat down next to him, looking away. "Sorry." When she finally looked back at him her blush was gone. "You've changed. I mean, a lot. I hardly remember these little horns on your head" Her hand reached out to touch the horns on his head, cutting his hair had been a bit of a challenge with those things sticking out like a multicorn. "They look silly, I mean. Sorry... my social skills obviously haven't gotten any better since we last saw each other" Despite that fact, it felt good to see his face again in daylight, and be able to talk to him like old times, even if he couldn't talk back. It was how it was supposed to be, they were still best friends, they were both alive and ok, and it was like two teenagers talking in a dorm room or something, just perfect. "And your um, muscles. Everywhere." She was definitely not referring to his junk. "You can't see it now, but when your arms and legs are healed, you will" Her head nodded slowly, unconsciously as if agreeing with herself. "And man have you gotten tall. I wish you could see it, Liam. I wish you could stand again and see how tall you've grown" Without noticing, tears welled up in her eyes and a single tears slid down her cheek. [i]Oops[/i]. Sarina rubbed the tears away with the back of her hand. [i]That wasn't tough at all.[/i] "How old are you now? 19 almost 20? Holy crap you're old. Well I suppose I'm not far behind." With a cheeky smile she rubbed the back of her head. (n_n) "Heh, puberty was kind to you... I bet your voice is all deep and manly now" With a heavy heart Sarina got out of bed. "I'm sorry for rambling... You should go back to sleep, I'm sure you need it" "I'm sure [i]you[/i] need it as well, you were up longer than I was and you hadn't slept for 2 days before that" Jay said from near the front door. "Why don't you both go back to sleep, I'll have food made when you wake up" The Italian said sweetly with a hint of concern. "No, I don't want to sleep, I can't watch over Liam if I'm asleep" Sarina turned her head to look at Jay who was standing there with his hands in the pockets of his hoodie. "You don't think I could handle any baddies that come in here?" His accent thickened as he said this, sometimes he just got lazy. Sarina now spoke in Italian to Jay, somewhat irritably, "I know you could, but that's not the point, Liam is my responsibility." Her gaze went back to Liam. "Isn't that right?" She continued in Italian, knowing he understood her.