[center][h3]Kelvin[/h3][/center] Well, the answer to that one was a solid ‘no’. That little guy though. He was amazing. Kelvin only paused for a second to see the midget punch into the enemy lines towards the paladin. Great work there, but- there was more work to be done. Kelvin instead ran towards the tavern, with it’s roof fairly busted up by the ettin’s weight. He threw open the door and ducked inside, raising his crossbow to release a round almost point blank into the surprised face of a goblin, which promptly fell over, even as Kelvin released a few more bolts into attackers. He paused for a moment and looked over the space, shouting. [color=DodgerBlue]”There are too many! We got to leave! Follow us if you want to live.”[/color] He paused long enough to refill his pouch with crossbow darts from his pack and reload his crossbow before charging back out, moving to support the midget and the paladin. Fires still blazed in spots around them, but that was just to his advantage. He dashed forward to use the two warriors as cover. He arrived and shot a goblin coming from Carver’s left in the chest, not killing him due to armor, but knocking him down easily. [color=DodgerBlue]”We can’t fight this many, we need to get the townsfolk and leave.”[/color]