The lumbering brute rushing towards them gave Furnace considerable alarm. Regardless what the double headed giant was planning, at this rate he was going to [b]step on on Furnace's sword![/b] What a fool he had been for dropping it. Furnace shouted a warning [b]"Don't walk there!"[/b] but the monster did not take note. Without a though Furnace ran at him, or rather, the sword arms outstretched. He reached out with heat and cinders as he let magic flow forwards, setting fire to the corpses and rubble between him and the Ettin. Torn armor, lost chains maxes and blades, scraps and rubble. The battlefield was littered with things that burnt and things that melt. Red glowing landmines of liquid metal scattered across the field the Ettin was charging into. The epicenter of scorching pain placed several meters above the now glowing blade of Furnace. The growing ball of fire stood imposing in the path of the Ettin, at chest height and bright enough pierce eyes. Unfazed by the heat and nimble enough to skip and jump between the molten death traps, Furnace bounded forwards, leaving a trail of glitter in his wake as kicked up sand turned to glass. He didn't know if the creature was going to be willing to burn himself, all he had eyes for was his blade.