[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Qi8vLs2.jpg[/img][/center] We as the human race would fight and bicker among each other over the slightest things... a bit funny, isn't it? Since the time that we could walk we would kill and lay waste to each other over petty things such as territory and religion, even putting our ideals on the line while at the same time back at home our people would fight over trivial things. Justice… equality… hunger… appearances… whether someone died for the right cause or not... Anything you could imagine with your insignificant head we fought over... and many died. You would think for such an advance race compared to all the primitive animals that were alive at the time that we’d be far better, wouldn't we? No. The truth was that we were nothing than primates ourselves; animals who could not go beyond our differences to unite and join one another and create a better world. In the end, we just destroyed our planet through both war and pollution… but I suppose you too know that, don't you? But now, we have out civilization back... we have everything that we want to protect. Though, we all still remember in the year 2267 when our world was nothing more than a nuclear dump with only a few patches of habitable lands left. It wasn't until a man with technology unlike any other finally united the Earth forces under a single banner through brute force by killing anyone who opposed him did we finally become whole. He built an impenetrable fortress and had his forces cultivate and secure whatever lands could be saved by using devices meant to preserve the lands that were untainted by the countless wars we held. Communities were built within these lands, before steps to move forward were introduced. In the year 2321, the man who united Earth led expeditions from Earth to cultivate new planets with flagships each containing the newest development; the FrameWerks. These were powerful mechanized piloted units that can only be used by a select few individuals after years of training, but they allowed us to conquer planets with ease. For years we slowly captured planets and things were working, we were finally at peace and enjoying things for we thought we were alone in the universe. Or so we had thought... Years had passed and in the year 2578, we finally lost communication with a human colony on our outer rim all of a sudden. At first, we thought it was just an error with the signal… until seconds later another colony tuned in and told us that they were being attacked. We suddenly found ourselves thrown into a war with an unknown alien race for years, with all of our communications being cut off with all of our outer rim planets. Despite all the reinforcements we sent, we never heard from them… we could only assume the worst had happened. It was only in the year of 2590 that we finally were able to make establish contact with one of our outer rim planets due to the efforts of the man who united Earth who was dedicated on find out what happened... but what we had found, was something far, far worse than discovering hell itself. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/RDfy06e.jpg[/img][/center] They were slain by an alien race called the Cruxi… and they had technology and firepower that was on a whole new level compared to us. Beam weapons, ships that were faster, soldiers that had barriers… you name it, they probably had it. However, their numbers weren’t as vast as ours. So we threw ourselves at them in order to keep them at bay, and to keep them from reaching more of our home worlds. Though a strategy like that can only last so long until all of humanity starts to believe that we’re fighting a losing war… but that’s where you come in, kid. You’re here to clean up our petty mistakes of our pasts as adults and to fight our battle. That’s the sad truth of the matter. Remember how I mentioned those Frameworks earlier, right? Well, you along with others around your age have been chosen to pilot experimental Frameworks in hopes of turning the tides of this war. Truth be told, I don’t envy you… because I feel you’re going to be thrown straight into the horrors of things kid… I just pray you make it out of this alive, even if we don’t. [center]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/center] Welcome to End of Days (or EoD for short), a Reboot of L.A.D! In this RP we will take the roll of pilots who are aged 14-16 by scientists to pilot experimental Frameworks who require developing human bodies (hence 14-16 and puberty) in order for them to work properly in the hopes of defeating the Cruxi; a mechanical and devious alien race that is hellbent on destroying humanity. First of all, a lot things will be similar to the way they work in Evangelion in terms of synchronization. The stronger your synchronization rate, the stronger your Framework. However your characters wont have control over this and initially these will be determined randomly in order to prevent everyone from being child prodigies; we do want to keep this a bit realistic after all. I will say that not only will you face other Cruxi mechs and soldiers, but you will undoubtedly face certain foes that are comparable in strength and size to the angels in Evangelion, the Reapers in Mass Effect, and possibly beings who are far stronger than them; this means teamwork is highly critical! Anyway, do tell me what you guys think! If I sense that there is enough interest I will go ahead and place sign-up sheets for people to begin working on their characters immediately.