Alright, since we already have so much interest, I'll go ahead and post the character sheets. [List] [*][b]Name[/b]: What do people call you? [*][b]Appearance[/b]: What do you look like? [*][b]Age[/b]: Between the ages available, what is your given age? [*][b]Personality[/b]: Tell me how you act around others. [*][b]Motive to live[/b]: Why are you fighting? Is it because you are forced to? or are you fighting for someone else? [*][b]Background[/b]: Tell me about yourself. [*][b]Notable Deaths[/b]: This is an interesting field that will be explained in due time. Who among your friends and family have died since the War? Everyone one must have at least one Notable Death. [*][b]Other things[/b]: If there is anything else you believe that needs telling, say so here. [/List] ________________________________________ Framewerk Sheet [List] [*][b]Framewerk Code Name[/b]: All Frames are given unit numbers based on production code, however the ones we are piloting are given actual names since they are rumored to be sentient beings. What is your Frames' name? [*][b]Appearance[/b]: Fairly obvious. Text descriptions or pictures; whichever you prefer. [*][b]Signature Weapon System[/b]: What is your Framewerk’s signature weapon at all times; the stuff it can’t trade away since it is built in. This is essentially your Framewerk's bread and butter at all times. This is something that makes your machine unique from all others. You could have a Frame with four-arms capable of using multiple weapons, or a Frame using drones, or perhaps an artillery based Frame that can cause destruction from afar... or say you'd rather stay in the rear and snipe things from afar. These are such examples, and this will be your fighting style. [*][b]Secondary Weapon System[/b]: This is the Framework’s other weapons; another weapon it can’t trade away since it is built in. These are light-weight weapons and other attachments that are instrumental for missions. These can miniature drones, back up cannons, barriers, or other things. [*][b]Flight-Capability/Thrusters[/b]: Each Framewerk has a means to navigate through space whether it be through thrusters, an integrated jetpack, or something else. Describe yours. Do keep it realistic, however, and if you want more flight power and speed you will have to sacrifice some offensive power to do so. [*][b]Special Ability[/b]: All Frameworks have a special ability that they possess that makes them powerful weapons of war... however, they haven't been unlocked yet. So, for now, keep this section blank. [/list] _____________________________________ And that's pretty much the sheets for now. I might be a tad picky with sheets this time around, so do tolerate me >_< Anyway, feel free to go nuts and start making stuff~