[@Gnar The Missing Link] Mostly done with my CS, will finish background later because I had to rewrite everything one time and it just killed my inspiration for it. Name: Ian Blackwood [hider=Appearance] [img]http://i.imgur.com/9xsxo.jpg[/img] [/hider] Age: 16 Personality: Ian is a thrill-seeking, happy go lucky kind of guy, never stopping to think about what he does as long as he has fun doing it. He may also have a bit of a perverted side to him, and definitely is one to chase after girls, whether he believe he has a chance or not. He's a friendly guy, but has a mischievous streak a mile wide, always on the look out to pull one. Adrenaline junky, skirt-chaser, prankster, these facets of his personality tend to make it hard for him to make friends, and while that does depress him, he never lets it get to him too much. If something bothers or hurts him, he leaves it behind and never looks back. Another side to Ian is one he'd like to forget. Having grown up in the slums, he's no stranger to violence, death, and crime, he himself having participated in that kind of life in order to get by in his early life. Back then he was a cold, manipulative person, with little care for anyone other than himself. And while he's strived to change himself, he can't get rid of that part of him, so he wields it like a weapon, ready to pull it out whenever the situation calls for it. Background: Ian used to be an orphan living in the slums, eeking out a living by doing as everyone else did, through crime, violence, and even murder at times. ONe day, however, he crossed the head of a crime organization, and was quickly caught and brought before them with a choice, to steal from them from now on, or to pay for his crime with his life. However, the organization soon found itself under raid by government officials. WIP Motive to live:Ian believes that he has been given a new start in this life free from the filth of his childhood, so he works his hardest to make it worth something, and even more so to make sure he never wastes it. He lives or himself, for his father, for everyone that helped him reach the point he has today. Not only that, but he feels a sense of duty to protect those of the world from feeling the same pain as he did, the pain of losing a love one to war. He knows he can't stop them all, but he'll be dammed if he lets it happen on his watch. Notable Deaths: His family was killed by the Cruxi while his father was touring one of the local planets in the system. The Cruxi ravaged the city they were in until it was nothing but ashes, then left to attack the next, only to soon be driven off by the military. Ian had stayed at home, for a reason he can no longer remember. The loss is still very fresh in his mind and heart, but Ian never dwells on it when he can help it, sticking to his motto of never looking back on things that caused him pain, and to look forward into the brilliant light of the future. Other: [b]Framewerk Code Name[/b]: Anubis 14 [hider=Appearance] [img]http://i46.tinypic.com/35daj5t.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]The Rod of Anubis[/b]: Ian's motto in a fight has always been to strike fast and strike hard, and Anubis 14 symbolizes that. Wielding a specialized energy rod, he can form it into either a powerful Naginata-like weapon that bears a blade made completely of a special energy that holds considerable slashing and piercing power, a pair of dual short-swords that have a higher attack speed at the cost of some attack power and becoming completely for slashing attacks only, or a powerful energy spear that has lower attack speed in exchange for an increase of offensive capabilities and nearly unstoppable piercing power. Another interesting facet of this weapon is that the energy has two emissions variants:The normal one, which takes on a color of sterling silver, and Disruption energy, which is red in color. It has the capability to mess with Cruxi systems, allowing it to be a viable option for disabling stationary weapon systems or weakening and disorienting the tougher forces the Cruxi have in store for Anubis and his pilot. Switching between energies takes some time however, and after used, it takes even longer for disruption energy to be used again. Silver energy can be used whenever. [b]Last Rites[/b]: Attached to Anubis 14's Arm, these spikes are able to create energy constructs similar to that of the Rod, but on a smaller scale. They can create small shields of energy and bolts that can be charged before firing, making it an effective mid-range weapon for a mostly close-range combatant [b]Shroud[/b]: The blades hovering behind Anubis 14 are top of the line Kinetic thrusters, built to stand the test of battle and giving Anubis a very high amount of maneuverability and speed on the battle field both on the ground, in the air, and in the void of space. A trade off for this agility, however, is that the defenses for Anubis 14 are average at best, which makes it a risky mech to pilot since it does best in the thick of engagement with the enemy. [b]Special Ability[/b]: