[color=DodgerBlue]"We can't fight this many, we need to get to the townsfolk and leave."[/color] Carver couldn't see the man who was shouting to him, but from the voice and the crossbow bolts that appeared in the chests of several goblins, he guessed it was Kelvin. He was just preparing a response when the [i]world[/i] caught fire. A great roar came from the battlefield as piles of scrap metal melted into pools of lava. He could feel the heat even from here - if he stayed around this inferno, the knight would be cooked alive in his armor in a few minutes. Obviously, this was the work of whatever spellcaster had singed him earlier - now they were poised to burn the whole town down. The scope of the battle had changed, he realized. There was more power at play here than the party was prepared to handle. Carver hated to run, but laying down his life now would be a pointless waste. The battle was lost; now he just needed to get everyone clear. A proposition that was very suddenly made drastically more difficult when the gnome bounded into the heart of the fires - towards the Ettin. He was moving fast, faster than Carver could have managed even without armor. Well, he'd just have to hope the gnome slowed down, then. He turned to Kelvin.[color=8dc73f] "Get to the others, and get them and as many people as you are able out of the town and into the woods! Keep them safe! I'm going after the gnome! We'll meet you out there!"[/color] With that, Carver took off running as fast as the sun's energy would allow him.