[quote=@TheWizardLizard] Dear lord. Um, just checking, did GM give you permission to like... absolutely slaughter the Ettin? Like, in a PM? Because that was nuts. And yeah, you told us you'd be gone. [/quote] Well the DM didn't post for the Ettin and in the OOC people keep confirming the main threat is the horde. So I assumed the Ettin is some kind of mini boss? I mean, he's not the leader of this raid, and the leader of this raid is below 'pawn'. So I'd feel no qualms drawing the curtains on him soon if it serves an awesome scene. Either way since this is likely my last post for a little while I wanted to write something big. If slaying outright is too much the DM can choose to have him survive it, Idunno. I usually don't like planning out posts completely beforehand. I'd rather just go with 'rule of cool' and try things. See what sticks. If the Ettin was supposed to be stronger I'll see it when [@Kronshi] posts.