Sorry for the late replies, been a bit tired and things came up today! [@Thanatos] Yeah, that'll be perfectly fine, although you might need to repost them since my memory is a little fuzzy X_X [@AtomicNut] Both Sigma and her Framewerk look good to me! I'd say they're accepted. [@Ammokkx] Serah and Atty seem fine as well, both are accepted. [@Raijinslayer] Ian is alright, although I would change a couple of things with his Framewerk. Either disruption or corrosion, you'll have to pick one or the other I'm afraid, not both because I feel him having both is pushing it a little bit. As for Last Rites, I think you should choose between claws+Blades or shields+bolts rather than all of them since again, I feel it is a bit much for one Framework to have all of that. Other than that, Anubis being a Speedy attacker with poor defenses is perfectly fine.