[@Gnar The Missing Link] [hider=Zan Carter]•Name: "The next potential pilot's name is Zan Carter." •Appearance: "He is 6'3" and weighs 200 lbs. He has short black hair, brown eyes. He has an above average amount of muscle for someone his age. He could be described as handsome. For noticeable markings, he has a scar on his face that goes from below his right eye to past his bottom lip." •Age: "The potential pilot is sixteen years old." •Personality: "From what we observed he seems to have his friends' back no matter what the situation is, and would die for them. He tends listen more that talk. People seem to come to him for advice, quite a bit. He seems to be an all around nice guy." •Motive to live: "His reason to live appears to be to kill the Cruxi." •Background: "From what we could find was that his family was average. He had five younger sisters. He became an older brother when he was eight years old. The last one was born the year he turned twelve years old. Both of his parents worked, so it seems he helped take care of his sisters. His mom and dad both worked, so helped take care of his younger sisters. The potential pilot had an extremely average childhood, until the planet he lived on was attacked by the Cruxi. It appears his family died on the planet, while he lived and made it off world onboard the last military ship. He became a ward of the state on account of having no living family. Later on, he was forced to go to a military boot camp for his behavior, which is where he is currently." •Notable Deaths: "His entire family appears to have been wiped out by the Cruxi attacks. •Other things: "He needs medication to sleep."[/hider] [hider=Пожертвовать] [img]http://www.igorstshirts.com/blog/conceptrobots/2013/Cptxin/Cptxin_01.jpg[/img] •Framewerk Code Name: Пожертвовать •Signature Weapon System: This Framewerk uses it hands to destroy enemies, mainly ripping them apart. This Framewerk has reinforced joints and strong actuators ('muscles') compared to other Framewerks. •Secondary Weapon System: The mouth of this Framewerk is full of razor sharp teeth meant to bit through Cruxi armor. •Flight-Capability/Thrusters: Basic thrusters on it's back and shoulders, just enough to maneuver in space. •Special Ability: [/hider] I can change the way I wrote the pilot's cs to a normal way if you don't like the way I did it.