[center][h3]Kelvin[/h3][/center] [color=8dc73f] "Get to the others, and get them and as many people as you are able out of the town and into the woods! Keep them safe! I'm going after the gnome! We'll meet you out there!"[/color] [b][color=DodgerBlue]”Don’t die, Sun worshipper. We are going to need you.”[/color] [/b] Kelvin nodded affirmatively, and turned away, only to find himself facing another force of goblins. They weren’t in a hurry, he was clearly outnumbered. He leveled a flat gaze with them, and slowly reached into his belt pouch and pulled out the dynamite, lighting it’s fuse easily in a nearby blaze. [i]Thanks, little guy.[/i] Kelvin held it up and looked at the fuse mildly as it slowly burned down, the enemies creeping closer. He waited until just three wraps about the thumb of fuse were left before throwing it in an arc over the group, aiming for the center before turning and diving diving to the ground, hold an armored corpse up in front of him in protection. A moment later, the blast seemed to shred through the air like a rabid animal through rotting leather, deafening and overwhelming even the sounds of the horde. Instantaneously, a wave of force pushing out bits of enemy, dead, armor, and dirt picked up Kelvin and his ‘body’shield, throwing them back a good ten feet. He didn’t hesitate or stop to survey the damage, instead stumbling upright and charging straight through the temporary cloud of dirt and smoke and out the other side, only pausing to shoot those directly in his path. Once outside of the main crowd, Kelvin continued his run through the outskirts of town, only pausing to pound on the doors that were still closed. This could mean the insides were untouched, and the people as well. [b][color=DodgerBlue]”Out! We must abandon the city! Follow me if you want to live!”[/color][/b] Kelvin barely paused as he reached the woods proper before turning, running just within the cover of the trees along the border of the town. That ditsy mage had fled this direction, though if she was smart she would have kept going once she was out. If not her, maybe he could find Separ. It didn’t seem likely though, he must have been near the center of the chaos when it started.